21 Company Losses & Imputation Credits - Part 2 (Webinar Recording)

Prices NZD & excl. GST - Broadcast Date: 29 June 2021

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Product Description

This webinar is a back to basics, UPDATED course to consider the issues around the continuity and commonality requirements for company losses and imputation credits, including practical examples of calculations and highlighting risk areas to be managed.  It will specifically cover the NEW rules around “same business test” and loss carry back (permanent and temporary regimes).

Part 1:  Basic principles of Continuity and Commonality based on voting interests, and the introduction of the new “same or similar” business test, including when and how it works effectively.

Part 2: We will cover the Temporary and Permanent Loss Carry Back regimes which are complex but useful in some circumstances, before canvassing the specific rules around Imputation credits.

Total CPD Hours: 2.5 (1.25 each webinar)

Suited to:
Anyone in public practice or within a corporate environment where management of losses and imputation credits is a critical knowledge set.  This will be a mix of basic/revision and extension for new rules.


Nola Crafar, Senior Manager – Tax Advisory, Findex

Nola is a Senior Taxation Manager in the Otago Tax Team for Findex and has presented TEO courses regularly for several years on a wide range of topics. Nola’s background includes working in law firms in both the North and South Islands and as a solicitor for the Inland Revenue Department before joining Findex’s predecessor firm. Nola delivers that Professional Taxation Practice paper at the University of Otago. She provides advice on a wide range of areas including managing Inland Revenue Department audits and debt cases, taxation of trusts and residence issues, the use of Limited Partnerships and Look-Through Companies, and GST implications arising from a wide variety of transactions.