23 GST and Property – Common Problems (Webinar Recording)

excl. GST - Broadcast Date: 19 October 2023

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Product Description

Learn about the issues that we are seeing in terms of the GST rules as they apply to property including recent changes.

There are regular changes to the GST rules as they relate to property which makes it hard sometimes to keep up.
We looked at the rules in a webinar earlier in the year. In this webinar we focus on the problems and issues that arise on a regular basis, as they relate to property.

In terms of land, whether you are a property developer, landlord, undertaking a small subdivision or renting out a room above a garage, the GST rules can have a significant impact on your bottom line. If you are an owner of property that is made available to an associate, care also needs to be taken to ensure that the GST rules are being applied correctly by both sides.

The session will provide discussion on how the GST rules might apply to those common problems, using practical examples.

This will include examples relating to the following:                                                                 
- Property Transactions issues - including the zero-rating of land rules – when and how the rules apply                        
- Exempt, non-taxable and taxable supplies in the context of land including the election to treat a sale of property as not part of a taxable activity                                                                 
- The application of apportionment rules that can apply, including the recent changes                                    
- Associated Use, including the considerations that can arise.                                          

Upon satisfactory completion of this webinar you will be able to:                                          
• Understand when a client may be able to use the election not to treat a property sale as taxable:                
• Understand when your client must register for GST, if they have an interest in property:                     
• Determine whether any sale or purchase will be zero-rated and what happens if things aren’t what they seem on the face of the Agreement:                                                         
• Understand when and how the GST apportionment rules apply:                                             
• Understand the impact of associated party transactions relating to property.                       

Total of CPD Hours: 1.25 (1 Hour 15 min)

Suited to:                                           
Accountants at all levels.
Lawyers providing advice on Agreements for Sale and Purchase of land and/or businesses.


Daniel Gibbons, Partner, Findex/Crowe

Daniel is a Partner for Findex in Queenstown. Daniel has been with Findex for 15 years, where he advises on a wide range of tax matters, including property transactions and property ownership structures, international taxation issues, the tax treatment of investments and providing structuring advice to clients, including assistance for family group restructures. Daniel is recognised as a leader in the taxation treatment of short stay accommodation, providing training to other practitioners.