23 Double Tax Agreements – Limitations, tax credits & the practical implication (Webinar Recording)

excl. GST - Broadcast Date: 16 August 2023

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Product Description

With the IRD more focussed than ever on tax credits and the new IR1261 being a trigger for audit/ reviews , it is more important than ever to ensure reporting is correct.

In this webinar, we explore the Double Tax Agreements, reviewing the limitations and implications with practical examples. As Australia is New Zealand’s closest trading partner, we will review this agreement in more depth in relation to businesses operating between Australia and New Zealand.

We consider:                                                                      
• Common situations where the DTA applies                                                 
• Differences in interpretation between the two jurisdictions                                               

Upon satisfactory completion you will be able to:                             
• Apply a DTA generally;                                          
• Apply the resident and permanent establishment tests in common situation                                             
• Understand where differences in interpretation may arise, and some strategies to mitigate this                                     
• Apply tax credit limitations correctly                       

Total of CPD Hours: 1.25 (1 Hour 15 min)

Suited to:                                                        

Accountants and advisors working with:                                                          
• Taxpayers holding investments offshore                                                                
• Taxpayers seeking to relocate particularly those relocating to Australia from New Zealand or to New Zealand from Australia   
• Taxpayers seeking to expand business operations into Australia from New Zealand or vice versa               
• Investors with Australian investments                                                                


Richard Muth, Senior Manager – Tax Advisory, Findex/Crowe

Richard Muth is an experienced taxation practitioner at Findex / Crowe having more than 10 years of experience with clients ranging from large multinational groups, Australasian groups, New Zealand based SMEs along with high net worth individuals.
A core specialty of Richard’s is helping those who are looking to call New Zealand home understand what this means for them from a tax viewpoint. Richard also helps those looking to take up opportunities overseas understand how New Zealand will or will not tax them while they are away.