22 Financial Arrangement Rules for SMEs 2022 - Highlights package TripleCast (Web Recording 3 CPD )

excl. GST - Broadcast Date: 15, 16 and 17 November 2022

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Product Description

This three hour webinar series will be a detailed review of the most relevant FA rules that are applicable to, SMEs.

Through detailed case studies, we will cover what’s old, what’s new and what to look out for, including common mistakes and errors.

The FA regime represents one of the more unusual regimes in the NZ tax system. It can really trap you if you are not ready for it. In this 3-part webinar series we will look at these rules as they apply to SMEs using case studies.

Specific topics covered will include:                                                                
• General rules                                           
o Overview                                               
o What is a FA                                                                    
o What is an excepted FA                                                                                                         

• Cash basis holder                                                          

• The BPA calculation                                                         

• Deferred property settlements                                                    

• Debt remission/Bad Debts                                               

This webinar series will be a mixture of reviewing the rules and walking through worked examples                           

Upon satisfactory completion of this webinar you will be able to:                                     

• Process SME financial statements and tax returns involving financial arrangements with confidence                

• Advise SME clients on minimising financial arrangement tax compliance costs                  

• Remember the key steps and choose the best options                                       

Total of CPD Hours: 3 ( 3 x 1 Hour sessions)

Suited to:

This course will be suited to foundation through to intermediate accountants, especially those in public practice and those employed by SMEs. It will also be useful for more senior accountants looking for a refresher on Financial Arrangements


Mike Hadwin, Director, Symmetry Advisory

Mike is a regular presenter for TEO Training. You’ll learn from Mike’s 40 years of tax experience as a public CA and facilitator. His clear presentation style enables you to quickly understand and apply practical learning concepts to common situations you may face in your role.