21 Tax Basics for Newbies - Part 11: Taxation of Individuals

Prices NZD & excl. GST - Broadcast date: 20 October 2021

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Product Description

This course is targeted at accountants in their first two years of practice and others wanting to brush up on their understanding of the principles underlying New Zealand’s income tax regime.

Recorded in 2021/2022 and updated in 2023. More than 20 CPD hours for just $750 ex gst!

In these tough economic times of managing precious resources and reducing costs, it’s great to know that TEO Training has your back.

Our Tax Basics for Newbies webinar series was targeted at new entrants to the Accountancy industry and very popular with attendees.  It has now been recycled and re-priced to make it an affordable option.

Recorded over 2021 and 2022, the core material  has been updated and repackaged, and now includes a July 2023 update regarding the new interest limitation rule for residential property plus specific sessions on GST from more recent TEO webinars (due to material changes).

The course provides coverage of the key elements of the income tax regime and comprises a total of 18 webinars.  Following the introduction, each webinar explores another aspect of the New Zealand tax regime.  The course covers assessable income, allowable deductions, residence and source, before considering the depreciation regime, financial arrangements and how foreign equity are taxed.  The income tax section includes consideration of how individuals, companies, trusts, partnerships, and look-through companies are taxed. 


  1. Introduction
  2. Assessable Income 
  3. Residence and Source 
  4. Double Tax Treaties 
  5. Annual Gross Income 
  6. Allowable Deductions 
  7. Specific Deductions 
  8. Residential Land (includes 2023 update) 
  9. Financial Arrangements 
  10. Foreign Equity 
  11. Taxation of Individuals 
  12. Taxation of Standard Companies 
  13. Taxation of Trusts 
  14. Taxation of Partnerships and Limited Partnerships 
  15. Taxation of Look-Through Companies 
  16. Provisional tax and withholding taxes 
  17. Fringe Benefits 
  18. Associated Persons 
  19. GST Essentials 2023 
  20. GST Update 2023 
  21. GST Advanced 2023 


Upon satisfactory completion of this activity, you will understand:

  • How New Zealand taxes residents and non-residents 
  • The way New Zealand taxes different entities 
  • The extent to which input tax can be claimed and needs to be apportioned


Stephen Richards, Partner – Tax Advisory Findex/Crowe

Stephen Richards is Partner in the Tax Advisory team at Findex. Findex is one of the largest providers of integrated financial advisory and accounting services to individuals, SMEs, and corporates in Australasia.

Stephen has been practising in tax advisory for over 20 years and is a sought-after speaker on tax topics, including for CCH, CAANZ, and TEO Training courses and lecturing in taxation practice at the University of Otago.