18 Tax Efficient Trading and Operating Businesses Overseas (Webinar Recording)

Prices NZD and ex GST - 10 May 2018 Recording of the Tax Efficient Trading and Operating Businesses Overseas 2018 webinar

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Product Description

Numerous New Zealand businesses are expanding their operations overseas. When trading or operating overseas it is important to correctly establish the most efficient tax structure while at the same time keeping the structure transparent and easy to manage.

This webinar outlines different options for establishing and running overseas operations and the pros and cons of each option. Minimising tax is always a driver when investing overseas, however some structures to minimise tax create administration and financial mine fields. It is important to use the option which will work for your business—in the short and long term—and to ensure tax savings are balanced with the level of complexity of any structure to manage. If you are uncertain, the simplest structure is normally the best. Once a structure is established it is hard to unwind, it is important to get it right up front. Structures that are too complicated to maintain or are to tax-aggressive dilute value on any potential exit.

Greg James is a senior tax partner at Crowe Horwath. He has helped numerous clients establish the correct overseas structures for their needs. He has talked a number of his clients out of structures that are not fit for purpose, even though they are the most tax effective. These clients have been highly complementary when a substantial exit event occurs.

Over Greg’s career he has spent three years in New York doing international tax planning and six years in Hong Kong doing mergers and acquisition and international tax structuring.

Upon completing this webinar, you will be able to:

  •  Understand investment options and pros and cons
  • Add shareholder value by minimising double taxation
  • Understand long term strategy of investment decisions
  • You will benefit from practical and tax efficient structuring of overseas investments to create shareholder value and ensure they are fit for purpose. Understand the pitfalls before you fall into them!

Suited to...

Intermediate to advanced professionals. Businesses with, or about to establish, international operations — or professionals with clients investing overseas.

About the Presenter

 Greg has over 25 years experience providing tax structuring and consulting advice to clients investing into and from New Zealand. Greg heads up Crowe Horwath’s international tax team. Prior to joining Crowe Horwath, Greg held various senior positions with PricewaterhouseCoopers in Auckland, New York and China/Hong Kong where he provided tax structuring advice to private equity groups and multinationals.